Member (current or expired on or after Jan 1, 2019)
If it is the first time you are signing in to the new registration system, do not create a new profile.
- Click "Forgot Your Password."
- Use your email address as your username. (Remember the username is case sensitive.) You will receive a "Password Reset" email which will allow you to create a password.
All future logins will require your username and newly created password.
Note that if two people share an email, one will have that email as their username; the other person will have a suffix of one (1) added at the very end of the email.
If you need assistance, email: or contact the Office 813-974-5848 Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
New Member (or membership expired prior to January, 2019)
Choose Create New Profile to create your account and, if you choose to, purchase a membership. Use your email addess as your user name. Remember the username is case sensitive. Fill in the two-page profile form. Everything with a red star must be filled in.
If you choose not to purchase a membership, you will only be able to register for Friday Lectures, which are free to all. You will need to purchase a membership before you will be able to register for other classes.
All future logins will require your username and newly created password.